What is Known of Neptune?

Neptune is the eighth planet of the our Solar System, Pluto being the outermost one. However, once every 248 years, for 20 years, Pluto's orbit swings it closer than Neptune to the Sun. Neptune was the outermost planet till 1999. Neptune was discovered in 1846 and is four times the diameter of the Earth, but because it is very far, it appears as very small even through powerful telescopes. It is mainly made up of liquid and frozen gases. Voyager, a space probe passed Neptune in August 1989 and has provided much information about it. Neptune has a Great Dark Spot which is a long lived oval cloud, a smaller cloud and rapidly changing feathery white methane clouds. Winds blow at a speed of 2000Km/h. Voyager showed that Neptune has two narrow rings and other fainter ones and eight satellites.


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