Why do Flowers have Bright Colours?

Flowers have male and female organs, i.e., anther and stigma, and they perform the function of producing seeds. The transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma is known as pollination and is the first stage in the reproduction of plants. The flowers, in many cases, are pollinated by insects and to attract the insects, flowers have bright colours and often produce sweet scent and nectar. The flowers have bright colours to attract the insects. While drinking the nectar of the flower, an insect picks up pollen on its body and when it visits another flower, it brushes some of this pollen on to the stigma, thereby making cross pollination. Insect pollinated flowers are usually blue, yellow, pink or white. In some regions, birds, bats, rodents and marsupials help in pollinating flowers. These flowers too, are very brightly coloured.


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