How do Desert Animals Survive?

For animals in the desert, it is a constant struggle against dry conditions to live and have a plentiful supply of liquid nourishment. They have evolved ways Fennec, a desert animal, has large ears which is used as a radiator to get rid of excess heat. Many animals are nocturnal and crepuscular, i.e. active at dawn and dusk, to avoid the heat of the sun. Many desert animals do not sweat, produce concentrated urine and dry faeces to conserve water. Herbivores like Addax and Oryx can go without water for days. They manage to have their share of water from
dew and space plant-life. Sandgrouse nests in the desert. It flies long distance in search of water and carries it back for the nestlings by soaking its breast feathers. Some animals have evolved unique ways to move in the sandy deserts. Many desert rodents jump rather than walk, while some snakes like Sahara's horned wiper side winds on the sand, and the sandfish skink appears like almost swimming on sand.


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